Join an After School Reading Group

connect with the curious

Up until now, After School has been all about BINGO. (Don’t forget the next Other People’s Treasure Bingo night is January 23rd).

But I’ve always had the goal of finding new ways for people to have fun and connect.

That leads us to the After School Club. A weekly meetup with five interesting people to bond over a fascinating story from our culture.

Yes, it’s a new kind of book club, where you don’t need to read a new book, and you get to meet new people!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Complete a quick form to tell us about your interests and we’ll match you with a compatible reading group.

  2. Our editors assign your group a contemporary magazine article to read before you meet up.

  3. We book a table at a local bar and provide you with conversation prompts about the article you read. It’s like a book club.

  4. Let us know who you hit it off with and we’ll keep you connected in a reading group and outside of After School.

Reply to this email with any questions!


Oh ya, early bird tickets to Other People’s Treasure Bingo are available until the end of the year, grab them here.